Jack remains the best dog ever!
Jack remains the best dog ever – everyone comments on how loving and good he is, you would not believe it! Personality like Dad Cosmo for sure – we thank you for bringing him to us… Hoping you and your family are happy and well, and our best wishes for 2015!
She’s the most precious animal I’ve ever met.
I adopted a minature schnauzer in September of this year, and we named her Ruby. From the beginning of the process in early August until today, our lives have not been the same. Everything about the process was perfect and she’s the most precious animal I’ve ever met. It was a delight working with you and seeing how much you care about the animals you breed. Our veterinarian was amazed at all the steps you took to ensure Ruby was in good health and that she had a good home when she left your house. I’ve had dogs all my life, and I love every one of them. But Ruby is extra special, and we so appreciate the extra level of care of love you give to your animals. If anyone who is unable to visit you in-person would like a reference from me, please have them contact me.
We love her! Thank you so much!
Paris is such a sweet and special puppy….we even included her in our family portrait this year!! We love her! Thank you so much!
hanks for the Best Puppy EVER!
We love Nixon! He is the best dog ever. He is so smart and has set the bar of pet cuteness. We are all enjoying every minute with him. We are taking him with us on vaction to North Carolina for Christmas….so he has to look his best. He already has his potty training down and he is fetching a ball. He is awesome. We took him to the vet Satuday and his Checkup was perfect. Our vet was impressed with your thoroughness on his health records.
We love them!
We loved Royal Puppy Loce puppies so much we bought two!! Annabelle and Izzabella are so smart and funny. They make us laugh everyday. They were so perfect that we came back a year later and got another one for my mom. Her name is Allie. Thanks for raising such sweet, smart, WONDERFUL puppies!
Bentley is the smartest, bestest dog ever!! Thank you! He is super smart and he gets along with our other dog and he was so easy to potty train. We just took him outside and he went!!
Thank you for Chloe….life wouldn’t be the same without her.
Chloe is great. She isn’t afraid of anything and loves to play…and she loves to snuggle. That’s her in my arms taking a nap in the recliner.
Turbo is perfect.
We love him dearly. He is one beautiful pup with great markings.
Thanks a million.
Milo is so small but we love him Big!
He is perfection!
Happy and calm…and headed home from the airport. Thanks again.
You are a saint!
Home at last!! He arrived safely on the plane. I think I was more nervous than he was. We opened the carrier and he all but leaped into my arms and covered my face in puppy kisses. Everyone at the airport loved him. After a quick drink and some snacks he went outside and pottied. I was stunned that he was able to hold it until we got out of the airport but he seemed to know that he was supposed to potty on the grass! We love him! Thank you! I can’t say enough how great is was working with you. How much you love and care for your puppies shows in their loving personality, their confidence, and they way they love people. We will tell everyone about you! Thank you so much for patiently answering ALL my many questions, texts, and emails.
Stella loves to travel with us. She goes everywhere we go. She is spoiled rotten….and we love her that way!
We could not have asked for a better puppy for our family.
Boomer is so loving and gentle with my baby! The perfect puppy even for a toddler!
Thank you fro a wonderful puppy and for the Puppy Package.
You made it very easy and thanks for doing everything for us! His name is Niko….affectionately called Boo. The vet said he was in great condition and he loves his squeeky toys. Thanks again!
So smart!
She is doing very good and weighs 5.2 pounds now. She loves it when we throw her toys and she proudly brings them back to us everytime.
Sweetest personality I’ve seen in dog.
Sammy is almost a year old now and loving life. He just hit 8 pounds and the vet said he is full grown. Isn’t he too cute? We love him! Thanks again for all you did to help us. We tell everyone how great you are! I had to send this picture of Ella and Sammy together. I knew you would enjoy it! Sammy is such a people person and he wants to be right beside you.